Since I am still looking to use up the LARGE bag of Korean puff rice, decided to go all in and add gochujang to the peanut butter and tallow for an extra savory, spicy, protein tennis snack, finished with black Hawaiian salt.  Most of my tennis friends didn't freak out and were willing to try it.  I'm going through an orange food phase now...


  • 8 C Korean puff rice (or crispy cereal)
  • ½ C tallow (or butter)
  • ¼ C gochujang
  • 10 oz bag mini marshmallows
  • 4 T peanut butter
  • Smoked salt to finish, optional



  1. Use cooking spray to generously cover a 9 x 13 pan
  2. Melt tallow, gochujang and peanut butter over medium low heat
  3. Add marshmallows and stir until smooth
  4. Remove from heat
  5. Add puff rice 
  6. Press firming into prepared pan
  7. Sprinkle with smoked salt
  8. Let is rest for an hour to cut into pieces.