Brisket fat trimmings to tallow

Simple steps to make tallow from brisket fat trimmings.  Food processor makes it easy to cook fast.


  • Left over brisket fat trimmings, about 2-3 pounds



  1. Place trimmings in food processor on high speed about 45 seconds, until it is finely minced, or hand cut into small pieces.  If using a knife, sharpen it before cutting all the fat. Food processor gets it done fast and saves my arm.  If your food processor doesn't have multiple blades, you made need to cut the fat in smaller chunks. I like this one 
  2. Can be frozen in gallon plastic bag until ready to cook it.
  3. Place minced fat into a cast iron pan, over medium low heat.
  4. Add 1 C of water.
  5. Stir every 15 minutes to scrap the bottom bits.
  6. The water will evaporate, and the liquid will be clear indicating the tallow can be removed from heat.
  7. Strain with paper towel or coffee filter in a metal strainer to remove the brown bits. Makes about 2 cups.
  8. Pour into a container to use or silicone candy molds in premeasured amounts for baking with it.
  9. I use the leftover strained bits as snacks for the dogs, in moderation, working on making a baked dog treat with it.



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