Lokelani's Healthy Happy Dog Food



Never thought I would cook for my dogs. We were heart broken when the vet said our poi dog (mutt) Lokelani's ultrasound results showed a black mass on her lymph nodes and didn't know how much longer she would be with us as she was barely eating and lethargic in August 2023. I remembered how Mom managed her severe rheumatoid arthritis through food instead of drugs and thought it was worth a try.

Thankfully there are no nerves in the lymph nodes, and she wasn't in pain. I know a good diet and exercise can help. This mix of protein and veggies seem to do the trick in regaining her appetite, energy level and her fur is softer. She's definitely physically stronger, instigates play and jumps around with Makai and Nala. Not sure if it's the food or divine intervention, but it's worth it to us to cook for them, it is easy and takes about an hour to make.  The first time it took way longer due to figuring out how to handle the large amount of meat and veggies.

Getting the leaner meat is $3.98 a pound ($40), veggies fresh and frozen about $10 and lasts almost 3 weeks for 3 dogs fed twice a day, it's less expensive than vet bills or medications.

We are going on a year since hearing the awful prognosis and grateful Lokelani is still happy, alert and protecting us from delivery drivers and neighbors who walk past the house with her big girl bark.



  • 10 pounds of ground beef
  • Sweet potatoes chopped (5 lbs.) and microwave 5 minutes.
  • Carrots 5 lbs. 
    • Use a food processor to chop the sweet potatoes and carrots.
  • 15 ounces of pumpkin puree

* UPDATE July 2024 - Have tweaked this to replace green beans and spinach (Lokelani was spitting them out lol)

Directions – For easier handling prep and divide the ingredients to be cooked in 2 batches.

  1. Brown the meat in a large wok or pan over medium high heat, keep the fat.
  2. Mix pumpkin mixture with turmeric, sea meal, flax seed and add to browned meat.
  3. Add the rice, mix well.
  4. Add the sweet potatoes
  5. Add the carrots, mix well.
  6. Add the peas, mix well.
  7. Repeat for the process for the remaining ingredients.


  1. It's key to combine ingredients together, separating into a large bowl or a large restaurant pan makes it less messy and easy to mix.  Our dogs help with the dish washing with a pre lick/rinse.


  1. Fill a gallon bag, flatten and freeze. 

It's key to combine ingredients together, separating into a large bowl or a large restaurant pan makes it less messy and easy to mix.  Our dogs help with the dish washing with a pre lick/rinse.

We hope this helps others who want to cook for their pups.